
Dimasheq Organization for Studies, Culture and Development
A non-profit cultural organization
registered in the German Register of Associations
under registration: VR 2276
Tax number 309/5851/2117

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Regarding Interaction and Posting on the “Damascus – dimasheq” Website

This privacy policy applies to all personal data (“User Data”) that you provide to us through the website https://dimasheq.com (“the Website”). This privacy policy is designed to enhance your trust regarding the privacy and security of your personal information.

“We,” “Us,” and “Our” refer to the “Damascus – dimasheq” website, available in Arabic, English, German, and other languages, including any subdomain of the “Damascus – dimasheq” website.

“You” refers to the user of the website.

“Users” refer to the users of the website generally and/or individually as context indicates.

We handle all personal data and user-related information in full compliance with all privacy protection legislation in the European Union.

  1. What We Do with User Information You Provide

When you provide User Information, you agree that we may retain this information either by ourselves or through a third-party service provider acting on our behalf.

We may use your User Information under the terms of this privacy policy for the following purposes:

  • Creating, selecting, and presenting content and media in the form of audio, visual, print, online, broadcast, or any other format, related to news, current issues, education, entertainment, and news gathering; for editorial journalism purposes.
  • Conducting market research, including statistical analysis of user behavior, which may be presented to third parties anonymously and collectively.
  • Identifying issues with our websites, apps, or services; planning improvements; creating new sites, apps, or services.
  • Enabling us to meet all legal requirements imposed on us.
  • Sending periodic communications (including emails) about specifications, products, services, events, and special offers.
  • Communicating with you by any means (including email, phone, text messages, social media, mail, or personal contact) to inform you of news and other information that may be of interest, provided such communications comply with the law; maintaining and updating your contact information as necessary; obtaining your prior voluntary consent where required.

We may disclose your User Information to a third party:

  • To enable the third party to send periodic communications to you about specifications, products, services, events, and special offers on our behalf.
  • In the event of a sale or purchase of business or assets, where we may disclose your User Information to the prospective buyer or seller of such business or assets.
  • If a third party acquires all or most of our assets, in which case your User Information provided to us will be transferred as part of the assets.
  • If we are required to disclose or share your User Information to:

    • Comply with legal obligations.
    • Enforce or apply our terms and conditions and/or any other agreements.
    • Protect our rights, property, safety, customers, or other users.
    • We may also disclose your User Information to any related companies of Media Horizons, wherever these companies are located globally, for any reason.
  1. Updates

You can notify us of any updates, modifications, and corrections to your User Information that we have previously collected through the feedback form link in the (Contact Us) section of the site.

We may change this privacy policy from time to time, so you should review it periodically. Your use of the “Damascus – dimasheq” website and its subdomains indicates your acceptance of the privacy policy in effect at that time.

We reserve the right to change, modify, or update this privacy policy at any time.

  1. Data

We do not collect personal data about you for the sake of collection alone. It is usually collected in the context of normal daily use of our websites and within the legal framework allowed in the European Union. We do not share your personal data with any third party outside the framework of the law. When using the site, we may collect personal data about you from the following sources:

  • Data you provide: We may obtain your personal data when you contact us via email, phone, or other means.
  • Data made public: We may collect or obtain personal data that you have clearly decided to make public, including through social media (for example, we may collect information from your social media accounts if you post any written or visual material on our site).
  • App data: We may collect or obtain your personal data when you download or use any of our apps.
  • Data provided via websites: We may collect or obtain personal data when you visit any of our sites or use any features or resources available on or through our sites.
  • Registration data: We may collect or obtain your personal data when you use – or register to use – any of our sites, apps, or services.
  • Content and ad information: If you choose to interact with content or ads related to any third party on one of the sites or in any app affiliated with “Damascus – dimasheq,” we may then receive personal data about you from the relevant third party.
  • Receiving information from others: We may also collect or obtain personal data about you from others who provide it to us (e.g., credit reference agencies, law enforcement authorities, etc.).
  1. What Personal Data We May Collect About You
  • Personal Data: Full name, preferred name, personal photo.
  • Demographic Data: Gender, date of birth/age, nationality, salutation, title, language preferences.
  • Contact Data: Mailing address, phone number, email address, social media account data.
  • Consent Records: Records of any consent you have provided, including date, time, and means of consent, and any relevant information (e.g., the subject of consent).
  • Website-related Data: Device type, operating system, browser type, browsing settings, IP address, language settings, dates, and times of connection to any “Damascus – dimasheq” websites, app usage statistics, app settings, dates, and times of connection to any “Damascus – dimasheq” apps, location data, and other technical communication information (some of which may constitute personal data), username, password, login security data, usage data, aggregated statistical information.
  • Employer Data: If you interact with us as an employee, the name, address, phone number, and email address of your employer, as necessary.
  • Content and Ad Data: Records of your interactions with content and ads on the internet, records of ads and content displayed on pages or app screens shown to you, any previous interactions with that content or ads (including mouse movements and clicks, any forms you complete, including incomplete forms, and any interactions with touch screens).
  • Views and Opinions: Any views and opinions you express and/or choose to send to us, or publicly post about us on social media.

Such User Information is used solely for the purpose for which it was collected and for any other purposes specified at the point of collection, in accordance with this privacy policy. We will not disclose any User Information you provide to a third party without your consent, except where necessary to provide services you have specifically requested.

  1. Your Legal Rights

Subject to applicable law, you may have several rights concerning the processing of your related personal data, including:

  • The right not to provide us with your personal data (although we may not be able to provide you with the full benefit of our sites, apps, or services if you do not provide your personal data).
  • The right to request access to your personal data or copies of it, along with information related to the nature of that personal data and its processing and disclosure.
  • The right to request the correction of any inaccuracies in your personal data.
  • The right to request the following based on legitimate grounds:

    • The deletion of your related personal data, or
    • The restriction of the processing of your related personal data.
  1. Opting Out

You can withdraw your consent to receive periodic communications about specifications, products, services, and events at any time by replying to the “unsubscribe” link in upcoming communications from us.

Please note that we will not disclose your User Information to a third party to enable them to send direct marketing communications to you without your prior consent.

  1. Data Security

We implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect your personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized access, and other forms of unlawful or unauthorized processing, in accordance with the law.

Given that the internet is an open network, the transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure. While we will implement all reasonable measures to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to us over the internet. Therefore, you assume the risk related to the transmission of data over the internet and the responsibility to ensure that any personal data you send to us is sent securely.

  1. Cookies

You should be aware that information and data may be automatically collected through the use of text files (Cookies). These are small text files through which basic information used by the website is saved to identify repeat usage of the site, such as recalling your name if it has been entered previously. We may use this information to track behavior and aggregate data to improve the site, target ads, and assess the overall effectiveness of such ads.

These text files do not merge into your operating system and do not harm your files. If you prefer not to collect information through the use of text files, you can follow a simple procedure via most browsers that allows you to reject the feature of downloading text files. However, you must note that personalized services may be affected if you choose to disable the option for text files. If you wish to disable the download of text files, click here for instructions that will appear in a separate window.

For more details on text files, please refer to the Cookies link (below).

  1. Protecting Your User Information

Unfortunately, transmitting data over the internet is not entirely secure. While we are fully committed to protecting your User Information, we cannot guarantee the security of transmitting your User Information to the site. Any data transmitted, including your User Information, is done at your own risk.

Once we receive your User Information, we will apply strict security measures to protect it from unauthorized access.

If at any time you believe we have not adhered to these principles, please notify us via the feedback form in the (Contact Us) section. We will make every commercially reasonable effort to determine and correct the problem promptly.

  1. Cookies (or Tracking Files)

Websites Covered by This Notice

This notice applies to websites operated or supervised by the Damascus dimasheq” website: https://dimasheq.com

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are text files that can be stored on your computer or other devices when you visit any website. These files are used to make websites work, track your movements within the site, remember your login details, and so on.

There are different types of cookies, distinguishable based on their origin, function, and lifespan. Below are the main characteristics of cookies:

First-party cookies are those set by the website you are visiting, while third-party cookies are set by a site other than the one you are visiting. Please note that we do not control the data collection or usage by third-party sites.

Necessary cookies are essential for the technical operation of the website (e.g., these files allow you to navigate the website and use its features).

Performance cookies collect data about the websites performance, such as the number of visitors, time spent on the site, and error messages.

Functional cookies enhance the usability of the website by remembering your choices (such as language, region, login, etc.).

Targeting/advertising cookies allow the website to send you personalized ads.

Session cookies are temporary cookies that are deleted once you close your browser, while persistent cookies remain on your device until you manually delete them or they are removed by the browser based on the specified duration in the persistent cookie.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

We may use cookies to:

Differentiate between visitors.

Improve the usage and functionality of our website.

Customize our website and products according to your needs and preferences.

Analyze how our website is used and compile anonymous and aggregate statistics.

We do not use the information collected to create personal profiles of visitors.

What Types of Cookies Do We Use?

You can find an overview of the cookies used on Damascus dimasheq” websites through the “Cookie Preferences” at the bottom of each site.

Please note that the processing of your personal data for the purposes of cookies and other purposes is subject to the Privacy Policy.

Additionally, we may also use web beacons (also known as clear GIFs) and similar technologies alongside or in conjunction with cookies. Web beacons are typically transparent images (usually 1 pixel x 1 pixel) on a website or email that help us understand the behaviors of visitors to our website.

How Can You Control Cookies and Web Beacons?

Most internet browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Depending on your browser, you can adjust it to notify you before accepting cookies or to refuse them altogether. Please refer to the “Help” button (or similar) in your browser to learn more about how to do this.

Disabling cookies may affect your use of our websites.

If you use other devices to access our websites, you will need to ensure that each device’s browser is set according to your cookie preferences.

Third-Party Cookies

The دمشقdimasheq” website and all websites under it are not responsible for cookies that are associated with external services used by the website.

The دمشقdimasheq” website is not responsible for visiting any external links that are not subject to the دمشقdimasheqdomain.

Safe Donation Policy

At the Dimasheq Foundation for Culture, Studies, and Development, we are committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring the security of online donations. All donations are processed through a secure and certified payment gateway that adheres to the highest security standards.

Privacy of Your Data:

We collect only the minimum amount of data necessary to complete your donation.

We will not share your personal data with any third parties without your consent, unless required by law.

Your data is stored securely and used solely for managing your donation and improving our services.

Payment Security:

All financial transactions are encrypted using SSL protocol to ensure the confidentiality of your data.

We use certified payment service providers that offer the highest standards of security and data protection.

Your credit card information or bank account details are not stored on our servers.

Donation Receipt:

Upon completing your donation, you will receive a valid tax receipt for use in Germany, which you can use to claim a deduction for your donation on your taxes.

Donate with Confidence:

We are recognized as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization under German law, and all donations are used to support our cultural and artistic programs.

If you have any questions or concerns about donation security, please contact us using the information available on our website.

Thank you for your support
